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Prayer Pages - Prayer for the Day

Prayer for the Day - Feb - April 2015

27 April 2015

We pray for all in pastoral care in your church both lay and ordained.

May we hold each other in love and compassion. Your scripture says that to everything there is a season and we pray that we may share together in each of those seasons. Joy or sadness, hope or fear, happiness or distress, in each may we, with equal passion, follow your example of loving our neighbours. Amen

24 April 2015

Whilst clearing a blocked waste pipe, from the bathroom, this morning, I found myself at the top of a ladder holding a bucket with more water cascading over me than getting into the bucket. Regularly having to madly screw the end stopper in as the bucket filled and grew heavier which, as you might guess, only increased the volume and intensity of the water heading my way. All this while trying not to fall off the ladder!

Why am I telling you this in the prayer for the day.... well even in this extreme position it struck me that the Holy Spirit often does the same pouring over us, soaking us in power and sometimes as we try to turn it off it pours all the harder inspiring us to action.

So we pray for that outpouring of the Spirit over us this morning.

Lord God we pray that your Holy Spirit will pour over us today. That our hearts will be filled with a need to spread your Good News.

Give us a vision of the way we should use the gifts and talents you have given us to draw others to you.

Lord guide us, Holy Spirit inspire us to change the world. Amen

23 April 2015

Lord God as we start the day we pray that we may enfold all of the things we do today with your love.

Help us succeed in showing the central place you hold in our lives through our thoughts, words and actions. Amen

22 April 2015

With many apologies for an extended absence of the prayer for today. We once again return to the habit of placing a prayer on the website.

As the sun rises each morning,
let your love rise within my heart.
Through my words and all of the things I do today,
may your light shine as bright as the sun in the world. Amen

22 March 2015 - From our weekly notice sheet.

pray for the success of their Mission and we seek our Lord's blessing on the involvement of the Cliff students in all the activities scheduled to take place over the coming week.

21 March 2015 - As the Circuit Stewards of the Beds, Essex and Herts District meet we pray for the lay leadership of the church.

Loving God, we pray for all those in positions of responsibility in managing the practical aspects of your ministry in the world.

Those who work to ensure an effective use of the resources of the church, physical, financial and spiritual.

We pray blessing on each one of them and on their meeting today. Be present in their discussions and their training that through their stewardship your kingdom may be revealed to the world. Amen.

20 March 2015

As some of our children undertake AS and A2 level practical dance exams today.

We thank you God for the beauty of dance and the expression of our feelings dancing allows us to release.

We make a joyful noise for you and dance to your delight.
Lord of the dance help all those being examined today to reflect the hard work done in their preparation and help them perform to their best. Amen.

19 March 2015

Lord, you ask us to live how we want to live, following your Son, Jesus.

Yet we so often stray from the path we want to travel.

We need your help and guidance, to remember your love for us and how much we need you in our lives. Amen

15 March 2015 - From our weekly notice sheet

Today is Mothering Sunday. We celebrate motherly love when, all around the world, mothers of all ages and races are sharing their love amongst their children, in the knowledge that the warmth of love is so welcome and enriching in family life. We offer prayers of thanks and praise to God for mothers.

14 March 2015 - Peter and Angela's wedding day

Loving God, we thank you for our human relationships and for the love we can share.

We pray for all those getting married today and think especially of Peter and Angela.

Bless their marriage, their families, their friends and their home with love. Amen.

13 March 2015

God of wonder, help us to remember that you are for us and not against us.
That you are always there to help with our human burdens of pain, anger, worry or fear.
Help us today to lay before you all of our burdens which can so easily come between us.
Let us step into your loving presence in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen

12 March 2015

Loving Creator, you love each one of us and we trust in you.
We pray that in this time of lent you will renew our lives in your spirit.
Draw us on to the joy of Easter morning and the wonder of the resurrection. Amen

11 March 2015

Lord of all, help us to dedicate our whole lives to following you.
You constantly fill us with your love.
Let your love shine brightly in us as we
journey through this time of lent to the joy of Easter morning.
Through our lives may you draw others to know you. Amen

10 March 2015

God who created each one of us and gave us life,
You offer to us new life through your Son.
Help us this Lent to recognise the many gifts you give to us.
To be more aware of your care for us. Make us willing to seek you in all we do.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

09 March 2015

God of Mercy,
at this lenten time open our hearts
to understand more of the mysteries of the suffering and death
of your son.
Help us await the joy of Easter morning with both longing and patience. Amen

08 March 2015 - From our weekly notice sheet

There will be people we know for whom the brightness of Spring is not matched by their own feelings.
They may have worries about their own health, or treatments loved ones have to face, or actually undergo.
In prayer, we seek God's compassion, strength, love and grace for all those who are so burdened.

07 March 2015

Loving God, we thank you for Lent as a reminder of your love
and your call that we in turn should love others. Help us to be patient,
gentle and compassionate.

We know cannot do this in our own strength and so we turn to you for your help. May we be the best disciples we can be in the power of your Holy Spirit. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen

06 March 2015

God of love,
we thankyou for your limitless gifts in our lives.
As we live our lives today, in our thoughts, words and deeds guide us in the light of your kingdom.
Make us aware of the many ways you share in our daily lives.
Fill us with thankfulness for your presence with us each moment today. Amen

05 March 2015

Lord, we so often want to do what we want to do rather than what you call us to do.
Help us in our Lenten journey to remember that your Holy Spirit is with us to guide us and keep us travelling in the right direction.
When everything around us seems overwhelming, help us to remember that with your help we can achieve so much.
Help us also to acknowledge that without you, we can do so little. Amen

04 March 2015

God of Love, in this Lenten time,
open our hearts with a desire to serve you.
Give us the grace to be patient and faithful.
Let us surrender our lives to you.
Help us to set aside our own wants and to live as you have shown us in Jesus. Amen.

03 March 2015

Loving God, we hear you calling us back to you and yet we do not know the way.
Show us the way and lead us on it.
Send your Holy Spirit to guide us and strengthen our faith.
Let us feel your love in our lives today. Amen.

02 March 2015

Lord, you call us to love others as ourselves a simple request but oh so challenging.

We pray that you will help us to live the way you ask us to love and love the way you ask us to live.

In the power and strength of your name, this day and every day. Amen

From our weekly notice sheet 01 March 2015 - The Season of Spring

Typically, February this year has had no shortage of cold, drab, dank and dreary days.

And yet, without February, there would be no Spring. Just think of the beauty that has been created within the earth over the past month - the first early 'Lenten lilies' are already in bloom.

So, as we stand on the threshold of Spring eagerly awaiting the enjoyment of its beauty and its warmer days, we give thanks to God, our Heavenly Father, for the wonder of His creation.

28 February 2015

Loving God, so often we turn away from you.

Today we pray that you will help us to keep our focus on you.

Help us to seek your kingdom with all of our strength.

As we love others may we reveal your kingdom in our lives.

We offer this prayer in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen

27 February 2015

God of creation, we pray that you will renew our lives in you.

Help us to see your love in the passion, death and resurrection of your son.

Help us during this time of Lent to celebrate that love.

Prepare us during this Lenten time, make us aware of our sins and let each of us know your eternal love in Jesus. Amen

I apologise that there has been a break in the prayer for the day I have been unwell and felt unable to create prayers to share. Hopefully normal service will now be resumed with some prayers for Lent.

15 February 2015 - From our weekly notice sheet

A time and season for everything

Gracious Lord, our Father in heaven, you have ordered life with its joys and sadnesses.

Give us gifts of wisdom and a confident trust that, whatever life may bring, your eternal strength will always uphold us.

14 February 2015

Loving God, on this valentine's day we thank you for the love we are able to share with each other.

For the relationships we have with our partners and the depth of love that we experience with them.

We thank you for your presence in our lives enhancing our relationships and drawing us closer together.

You are the God of love and we place our relationships into your arms of love. As we experience joys and sorrows may we share our love and strength with each other. Amen

13 February 2015

Lord be with us today as we try to follow in your footsteps. Show us the pathway and help us to remain truly on the path that leads to your kingdom. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

12 February 2015

Loving God, we pray for the work of our churches.

The growth of faith in our fellowships through our worship and study together.

The growth of our mission to the community around us through our outreach activities.

We pray your blessing on all we do as a fellowship together in Jesus name. Amen

11 February 2015

All powerful God, show us today a vision of our part in your world.

Fill our lives with action in your service.

Let us dream dreams and strive to make them reality, in the power of your Holy Spirit.Amen

10 February 2015

Dear Lord, as we wonder at your creation, let us catch sight of the Creator. For you are in everything around us. You have made the smallest to the greatest each with equal care and love.

You have created each one of us and know us each by name. We are ever thankful for your loving presence in our lives and as we pray together today we bring you our praise and worship. For you are our God and we are your children. Amen

09 February 2015

Lord of all lead me into the light today.

Let your hand rest upon mine giving me strength and purpose in all I do today.

In the noise of the day help me to not forget you are with me. In the quiet of the day let me soak myself in your loving presence.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen

08 February 2015 - From our weekly notices

The Lordship of Jesus

In church last Sunday, we sang a hymn containing this magnificent chorus: Beautiful Saviour, Wonderful Counsellor, clothed in majesty, Lord of history, you're the Way, the Truth, the Life. Star of the Morning, glorious in holiness, you're the risen one, heaven's champion, and you reign, you reign over all!

How privileged we are, as Christians, to offer prayers to the Son of God.

07 February 2015

Loving God, when I find myself in a desert place let your hand bring forth refreshing streams in my life.

In the bareness of the desert, free of distractions, may I find you.

In the quiet let me understand your will for my life.

Though a barren place may my experience of the desert be a fruitful one in my relationship with you.

God of my life, reveal yourself to me today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

06 Febrary 2015

Ever present God, may we know that you are with us all the day long. Your Spirit guiding us through the day

In the busyness of life we look for moments to remind ourselves of your nearness to us.

When the day ends may we look back and see that we have followed on your pathway

We pray that we may experience your peace at the end of the day and the refreshing rest which prepares us for tomorrow.

In Jesus name we pray for your blessing on us. Amen.

05 Febrary 2015

Loving God, in your generosity give us sight of you today, As you ask us to be, let us be generous with our love to those we meet this day.

Let us be content in our circumstances and be filled with your joy.

We pray that we may honour you by all we do today in Jesus name. Amen.

04 Febrary 2015

Loving God, we pray for the times when you seem a stranger to us. When we see you but do not recognise you. When we hear you but do not know your voice. When we feel the thrill of your presence but choose to ignore it.

Sometime life is too hard and sometimes too easy so we are easily distracted from knowing you as our loving God.

We pray that in those times we may hear that still small voice and know the power of your Spirit awakening in us, so that we may know you and your love for us every moment of our lives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

03 Febrary 2015

Lord, your disciples asked you to teach them to pray. We ask you, in our prayer time today, to help us to focus our hearts and souls on you. So that in our prayers we may lift our voices in praise and adoration.

As we pray for your world and the people in it let us remember that you want us to come to you in prayer and so we lay these things before you in confidence that you are our God and an ever present part of our lives. Amen

02 Febrary 2015

I was approached at church yesterday by a visitor who asked that I pray for his sister, Margaret, who has cancer and is in hospital. I was happy to do so and so today I again pray for Margaret and any others who are coping with their illness. We also pray for those medical staff, support staff, the families and the friends who are involved in the care of those who are ill.

Lord, you are a God of healing and we pray that your healing power will be at work in the world today. We pray of the coming of wholeness into peoples lives and the peace which that brings.

In Jesus name we lift all those we have thought of as we have prayed this morning into your loving arms. Amen

01 February 2015 - From our weekly notice sheet

New Every Morning

Gracious Lord, your compassions never fail and are new every morning.

May we discover this today for ourselves and for those around us who need your comfort and help. And we offer this prayer to you in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

To See Prayers for January 2015 Click Here

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To See Prayers for August 2014 Click Here