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JMA Rainbow badges


Junior Mission for All - JMA News

The new copy of Rainbow is now available for all JMA collectors

Rainbow Magazine cover

The latest issue of Rainbow is available from Ruth or Sarah, if you are a collector and have not yet had your copy please speak to them.

There are some spare copies in the foyer if you would like to read this issue to see what happens to our JMA collections.

JMA Sunday & Hunger Lunch

Thank you very much to everyone who helped with JMA Sunday, both in the service and the Hunger Lunch, and for everyone’s generous contributions.

Hunger Lunch Photograph

We are delighted that £439.50 was collected on the day and, with Gift Aid, this should bring the total to over £500.

Thank you, too, for all those who have signed up to support a collector/JMA regularly. Supporters and collectors will be linked shortly so, if you haven’t signed up yet but would like to, please let us know.

Also, if you would like to know more about how the money will be used, please help yourself to a copy of the most recent JMA magazine – Rainbow – available in the Foyer. Personal copies for all collectors are available from Sarah.

Ruth and Sarah Wallace

Junior Mission for All - Awards Service

We were delighted to have Dr Mary Goves lead our JMA service Mary worked as a Doctor in Sierra Leone.

As part of the service we heard from Dr Miriam Hann who is from Burma. She told us about her life in Church in Burma and the links that her family had made with the World Church. Her home church was built by British Missionaries.

Miriam also told us of the way that she was invited to England to complete her schooling as Burmese education finishes at age 16.

Having done her A Levels she then was encouraged to go to University and the money was raised to see her through the cost of her training as a Doctor

She also told us the inspirational story of her Father who has developed the hospital he works in to enable much more health care to take place. He is currently planning the complete re-developement of the hospital to be better fitted to the need of the community.

The service also saw the award of the JMA badges and certificates to our collectors.

Sarah, our new JMA treasurer, reported that through our collectors and our three special events we raised a total of £1,000,

We really do thank all of our collectors and those who encourage them with words and donations.

During the service they received a well deserved round of applause.

The service was followed by our annual Hunger Lunch which was very well attended.

Junior Mission for All - JMA Service

JMA Certificate

Our JMA service will be held on 2nd November at 10:30 and is led by our own Dr Mary Groves.

At this service the certificates and badges will be awarded to our collectors.

Please support the children in their collecting and if you do not give regularly to one of the collectors please think about whether this is something you could do.

It does not need to be a large amount. Some of us still remember collecting old halfpennies each week.

Junior Mission for All - Cake Sale

Sarah Wallace has taken over as our church JMA treasurer from Natalie Rose who has now started her University course.

JMA Cakes

An excellent start to the year has been made with a sale of cakes at the Manse open day held on Saturday. Many thanks to Sarah, her sister Helen and all of those who donated cakes. A total of £140 was raised.

If you would like to learn more about JMA at Hatfield Road as either a collector or in regularly giving to a collector please speak to Sarah.

If you would like to know more about the current work of JMA there is a page on the Methodist Church website Access it Here

If you would like to know about the history of JMA, which stretches back to 1812, there are a number of articles on the My Methodist History website. There are even some pictures of Hatfield Road collectors from 1908 and 1910. Access it Here