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Junior Mission for All - History

As long ago as 1812 a man called Joseph Blake had an idea for helping to involve children in the work of the church for both Home and for Overseas Mission.

After a slightly rocky start, (parents thought the donations were being used to pay the Sunday School teachers! As a result Joseph paid back all of the money from his own pocket and started again).

Nearly 30 years later in 1840 when Joseph was a Circuit Steward he was asked to put his system down on paper so it could be considered for implementation across the country and then in 1841 the concept of the Juvenile Missionary Society was recognised across the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion.

Joseph wrote a book to "spread the word" called "The Day of Small Things".

Day of small things front page

It is a inspirational read on the encouraging of the involvement of children in the work of the church and its Mission.

To quote one paragraph from the book: "The chief object of these associations is to give a missionary training, and bring our children into love with missions, missionaries, and missionary efforts; the amount raised being only a secondary, though by no means an unimportant, consideration."

You can read the book on the internet archive Please click here.

If you have an electronic reader capable of reading epub files Chris has create a proof corrected copy which you can download here.

The young people from Hatfield Road continue that tradition of learning about Mission and collecting money for JMA to support Missionary work at home and overseas.

Chris is always looking out for things to do with JMA history so if you have anything of interest please speak to him.

Contact: Ruth Wallace