
Quiet Service - Resources

Quiet Service 15th March 2015

"Take up your Cross and follow."


Tonight we are going to use some images of crosses to aid our reflections and prayers. The Cross is a symbol used extensively by the Church in many designs.

We will use four short sessions each with a different design of cross.

Each of these crosses I have used to focus our thoughts on some aspects of our Cliff Mission which starts this week.

As usual to assist our reflection I have suggested a bible passage and hymns or songs for each section but please feel free to use anything else that comes to mind or simply spend time in prayer.

I pray blessing on us all as we gather to share this time together.

The Service

Let us start with a prayer together.

Lord we have come together in this place to spend time with you. We set aside this time and clear our minds so that your words can touch us. We offer you this time of worship and pray your blessing upon it. As we pray for the Cliff College Mission we pray that we may be effective in speaking your words to the people around us. We offer to you this time of prayer and reflection in Jesus name. Amen

Section One - The Jerusalem Cross

Jerusalem Cross Image

As we can see the Jerusalem Cross has four smaller crosses surrounding the central cross. These are said to represent the four evangelist. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

This image of the cross spoke to me as a representation of the way in which we ourselves gather around the cross of Jesus as we do as he commanded and pick up our own crosses as we work in his service.

In our first time of quiet we pray for the Cliff College students who will be joining us on Friday....


Lord we bring before you the students as they finalise their preparations for the mission. We pray for their journeys to join us that they may be safe and without incident.

We pray for any anxiety or worries they may have as they come into an unfamiliar place.

We pray that your Spirit will speak to us through each of them so that we might know you better.

We pray for and name those coming to us David, Blayze. Lauren, Benjamin, Alish, Rebekah and Laura.

Let us spend some time in prayer together. Silently or with our voices as feels right and comfortable.

Some resources to help our reflection.

Read - 1 Peter 4 v 8 - 11

Song - Master, speak! Thy servant heareth - Singing the Faith 666

Song - I will offer up my life - Singing the Faith 446

Section two - The Celtic Cross

Celtic Cross Image

The Celtic Cross is a reminder to me of the intersections of our lives. Sometimes we wander but we are on a pathway with God.

As we meet with those in our fellowship, those invited to join us and the Cliff College team we will create further intersections in our lives.

We pray for all of the events of the mission. For those who have agreed to provide food, accommodation and to run activities. We pray for those who will ask friends and neighbours to come to one or more event with them.

We pray for the organising committee Paul, Tony, Ruth, Caroline, Peggy, Ros and Andrew. We thank you for their dedication and time in preparing the church for the Cliff students and for the practical arrangements necessary to allow events to run smoothly.

I have selected the final few verses of the story of the Prodigal son to help our reflection. The story speaks of the return of the lost son and his fathers joy. It also speaks of the second son and his reaction to the return of his brother.

As we participate in the events of the week may we be joyful like the father throwing our arms wide to welcome any who come to the events.

Let us spend some time in prayer together. Silently or with our voices as feels right and comfortable.

Some resources to help our reflection.

Read - Read - Luke 15 v 22 - 32

Song - Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart - Singing the Faith 545

Song - Come on and Celebrate - Singing the Faith 44

Section three - The Wheat Cross

Wheat Cross Image

The Wheat Cross speaks to me of the spreading of Gods' word through the life of Jesus. The seeds that are planted and nurtured by God in his relationship with us. They also speak of the need for change as the seed perishes so the new grain grows and is multiplied.

We are called to sow seeds in the community around us so that we can gather a harvest. Our mission gives us that opportunity and we thank God for it.

So we pray for those in our community who need our prayers. For those considering coming to some of the mission events that they might be encouraged to attend and feel a need to join us.

We remember those of our fellowship who can not attend the events through illness or busy lives and value their prayers in support of the mission.

Let us spend some time in prayer together. Silently or with our voices as feels right and comfortable.

Some resources to help our reflection.

Read - Luke 10 v 1 -2

Song - Here I am wholly available - Songs of Fellowship 167

Song - Now the green blade rises - Singing the Faith 306


Section four - The Nail Cross

Nail Cross Image

There are several variations of the nail cross. If the points were showing they are said to represent the four wounds of Jesus the three nails and the spear.

This cross speaks to me of the pain and suffering in the world which Jesus experienced. As we pray for our locality and the mission we take time to pray for the world, a broken place where in so many places the love of God is not shown.

There are many things we can pray for but some to start our prayers together.

We pray for the couuntries of the middle east where there is so much violence and suffering as a result.
The world economic situation and the budget this week.
The general election.
The cyclone victims in Vanuatu.
The ending of combat operations in Afghanistan.
The continuing Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

Let us spend some time in prayer together. Silently or with our voices as feels right and comfortable.

Some resources to help our reflection.

Read - Matthew 16 v 24 - 27

Song - Who can sound the depths of sorrow - Singing the Faith 723

Song - Whose lips will plead for the people of this land. SofF 1119


Closing Prayer

Loving God we thank you for sharing this time together with us. For the peace and quiet which gives us time to reflect and evaluate our walk with you.

As we leave this place may we remember your call to us to go and make disciples of the whole world.

We pray your blessing on the activities of the mission here at Hatfield Road as we join with the Cliff College team to show your presence in this place. May we draw closer to you in all we do.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Let us say te Grace together to close.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us all evemore. Amen