
Quiet Service - Resources

Quiet Service 15th February 2015

"Let there be Light."


Tonight we are going to use some sources of light to aid our reflections and prayers. Light is a symbol used extensively in the Bible to represent God, faith and holiness.

We will use five short sessions each with a different source of light. Each of the lights we will use requires a power source to generate its light and each requires an action by us to make the light shine.

Each of these sources can be used to illuminate different aspects of our lives and our interaction with God in them. As we follow God we are called to be his light in so many situations and like the lights we will use we need to take an action to allow our light to shine and we need to be filled with the power of God to make our light shine brightly and effectively.

To assist our reflection I have suggested a bible passage and a hymn for each section but please feel free to use anything else that comes to mind or simply spend time in prayer.

I pray blessing on us all as we gather to share this time together.

The Service

Let us start with a prayer together.

Lord of light we gather together to spend time in your presence. We set aside the busyness of our lives and clear our minds so that we may leave space for your words to touch us. We offer you this act of worship and pray your blessing upon it. May your light shine in our hearts and lives and spill out to light the world and people around us. We offer to you this time of prayer and reflection in Jesus name. Amen

Section One. Creation - We use a Glow stick

We start at the beginning which as some have said is a very good place to start. God is the source of all light in the world from the very outset of creation.

As we mix the chemicals in the glow stick so we represent that beginning both for the world and of Gods participation in our lives.

Let's spend some time in quiet as we reflect on that great act of creation and the coming of God into our lives.

Read Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1 - 3 (Or the whole of the creation story Chapter 1 v1 2 v 3)

As we mix the chemicals in the glow stick and the light starts to shine. We remember that you said "let there be light" and there was light.

Song : Morning has broken - Singing the Faith 136


In the beginning, Lord
I was alone
Like the earth
before your Spirit moved over the waters.
I was formless and empty
and darkness filled the depths of my heart.
Then, it was as if you declared
'Let there be Light'
and out of the darkness
I began to see hope
like a shimmering ray of love
breaking through the parting clouds at the conclusion
of the night.

In the beginning, Lord I was alone
but when I saw you in the light I was no longer afraid.
You held out your hand
and though I had a choice
I had no choice
because to refuse
was to embrace again the darkness.

In the beginning, Lord I was alone
Now I feel again a part
of your creation
loved, wanted, needed, family.
In the light of your presence
I hold out my heart that others
might glimpse through it your reflection
and be drawn from the darkness that I once embraced
into the light of your sunrise
the brightness of your face

Copyright John Birch taken from

Section two - The fragile light - a candle

As we think on the strength and warmth of light we remember that it can be a fragile thing. Vulnerable to the elements of the world.

We remember that Jesus calls us to shine and assures us that we will be able to provide a light to the world.

Read Matthew 5 v 14 - 16

Song - Like a candle flame - Singing the Faith 176


Lord we are like candles
Fragile flames shining in the world
Our light flickers with every breath of wind
We are vulnerable to every passing disturbance

Lord we are like candles
We burn and are consumed by you
Our light touches others and brings your fire to them
We are carriers of your light in the world
And our light still shines brightly

Lord we are like candles
Things of beauty things of value
Our light is pleasing to you
We are guardians of your Holy flame
Our light shines O so brightly

Lord we pray for your presence with us today
So that your light will shine brightly from us
May we light the lives of those who are in dark places
May we light the path for those who are seeking you
Let us be a light shining in your service every day. Amen

Section three - The genius of our inventive minds - Electric light

Electric light bulb

As we think of our task of shining so we remember the great gifts God has given to us. Our practical skills and our creative ways of engaging with the world in God's service. Our church building which acts as a centre for our fellowship and outreach. The things we do with posters and displays and the warm welcome we give to all who enter our lives, We pray especially for the Cliff College Mission and our Away Weekend that through each of these we may draw others and ourselves nearer to God.

Read Exodus 35 verses 30 - 35 (or Exodus 35 and 36)

Song - Come to us Creative Spirit - Singing the Faith 726


God of creation we ask that you will call forth our creativity
Bless this time.
Bless my voice.
Bless my memories.
Bless my ideas, my mind, my heart.
Bless my creativity.
Bless my tools: pens, paper, laptop, paint,
brushes, pencils.
Bless those whom my words will touch.
My desire is to do your will through your creativity in me.
My desire is to bring your love to others through your creativity
in me. All this I ask of you, O Lord. Amen

Section four - Light for our path - Torch

As we travel through life there are times when the path does not seem clear but God assures us that as we walk with him he will be a torch for our feet. Let's spend some time thinking of those times when we have not been sure of our path. Where decisions have not been clear cut and where we have called on God to show us the way.

Read 1 John 1 verses 5 - 7

Song - The Lord's my shepherd - Singing the Faith 481


Lord our path can sometimes be unclear.
We walk slowly for fear of falling.
We are tempted to turn away from the path to find an easier route.
We thank you that in those times you are with us.
That in our need there are those who love us who shine their light into out lives so that we can again find the path.

We pray that we too may shine in the lives of those around us showing them the path we are on in company with you.

May your power flow into and through both our fellowship and each one of us that the path may be made clear as we walk in the light. Amen

Section five - Powered by the Son - Solar powered lamp

Sometimes we are weary and do not have the energy to be what you would like us to be. The days can feel too dark so that our efforts hardly seem worth trying.

In those moments we remember that we are able to soak up the power of your Holy Spirit. That when we seem empty we can come to you and be filled again. There is never a need to be unable to shine though often we find ourselves in that position.

Let us spend a little time bringing God the praise and glory for the intimate part he plays in our lives,

Read John 8 verse 12

Song - Longing for Light - Singing the Faith 706

Closing Prayer

Loving God we thank you for sharing this time together with us. For the peace and quiet which gives us time to reflect and evaluate our walk with you.

As we go out into the world let us remember that your light is always with us.

We pray your blessing on the activities of this fellowship here at Hatfield Road as we work to make a place for you in our community.

We pray that the activities of the Cliff Mission and the Away Weekend will draw us closer to you and equip and enable us to give our all as your disciples.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen