Samuel Thompson - Obituary Minutes of Conference 1839

(18.) Samuel Thompson; who was born in the county of Down, Ireland, in the year 1797- He was convinced of sin at the age of ten years, and at fifteen was truly converted to God. He entered upon the itinerant work in the year 1823, and continued to labour in it without interruption for sixteen years. He was a man of unaffected piety, and was exemplary for his simplicity, integrity, and uniform devotedness to God. His talents as a Preacher were respectable. He zealously and faithfully published a present salvation, as attainable through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ ; and he was a messenger of mercy to many. His death was trium phant. A short time before his departure, he looked up, and said, "I enjoy that peace which passeth all understanding;" words which he often repeated. He was mercifully preserved from the assaults of Satan. On being asked by his afflicted wife, " What shall I say to your friends ? Have you any commands to give them ?" he replied, " Tell them to dwell together in love; for love is the bond which unites the Christian church." He died June 3d, 1839, in the forty-second year of his age, deeply and sincerely regretted.