Joseph Thompson - Obituary Minutes of Conference 1809

2. Joseph Thompson, in the 77th year of his age. He tra- velled upwards of thirty years with an unblemished cnaracter, and feneral approbation. He was a clear, weighty, and practical Treacher.

His pulpit discourses were faithful explanations of the Holy Word, and appeals to the consciences of his hearers. He was strictly conscientious in his intercourse both with God and man; and yet be depended solely on the Redeemer's merits for eternal salvation. Some of his last words were, "I am no-, thing, but Christ is all - all is in him, and from him, to whom be glory for ever".

He died, where he had lived, fifteen of the last years of an uniform life, at Barnard Castle, Oct. 15, 1808, after enduring a weight of suffering, which he bore with entire resignation to the divine will. His afiliction was a dropsy of the breast.