Jonthan Barrowclough - Obituary Minutes of Conference 1885 Page 24

(17.) Jonathan Barrowclough ; who was born at Wooldale, near Holmfirth, in 1801.

When about fourteen years of age he found peace with God, and thenceforward steadfastly followed Christ.

He early began to preach, and in 1825 was admitted into the Ministry. For forty-seven years he was a diligent pastor and teacher, enduring much hardness, both physical and financial, for the sake of the Gospel.

His preaching was eminently scriptural, practical, and earnest. He was a man of much prayer and deep regard for the Sabbath. He was a painstaking Superintendent, and extremely conscientious.

During twelve years of Supernumerary life he suffered much at times from nervous depression, but at others gave himself to his Master's work.

In Louth he was favoured with remarkable health, which he joyfully expended in the service of the Circuit. There, after a week's illness, he fell asleep, January 30th, 1885, having testified: " Christ is my Light, Christ is my Life, Christ is my Pattern. All is calm, and joy and peace."